Rev. Paul Kuzhimannil Mathew, C.Ss.R
Fr. Paul is a Redemptorist priest
from the Liguori Province of the Redemptorists in Kerala, India.
He served as Parroquial Vicar at
Our Lady of Lourdes in Seaford from 2014 - 2019.
On June 26, 2024, Fr. Paul was appointed by Bishop Koenig as Administrator Our Lady of Lourdes.
Deacon Jim Mueller
Jim served Our Lady of Lourdes as a lector and cantor for many years. After his theological studies, he was ordained a permanent deacon for the Diocese of Wilmington in 2013.
He recently retired after working as a Special Education and Reading Remediation teacher at Seaford Middle School. Jim and his wife Rosie have four children.
Debbie Depta
Director of Religious Education
Debbie became the Director of Religious Education in 1994. Originally from North Carolina, she, her husband Frank raised their three daughters (Amanda, Martha, and Kim) here, and have now been locals for over 25 years.
Lynn Amaty
Secretary/Office Manager
A native of Brooklyn, Lynn moved to the Eastern Shore and Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in 1989. She became Office Manager in July 2007.
Additional Staff include:
Sacristan - John Yurkovich
Finance Manager - Eileen Potter
Director of Music - Barb French
(email: )
Ministerio Hispano - Nuri Funez
Facilities' Manager - Joe Molz
Custodian - Lynn Drenth
We are also blessed to have a great group of volunteers who help us in the office. They generously aid in welcoming visitors, answering phones, counting donations, posting contributions and assisting in countless other tasks that help us better serve our members.
You can contact any of the above through the Parish Office.
The Parish Trustees:
Most. Rev. William E. Koenig
Vy. Rev. Joseph W. McQuaide
Rev. Paul Kuzhimannil Mathew
Mr. Claudia Alcantara
Dr. Anthony Policastro
Finance Council Executive Officer:
Eric Cline
Pastoral Council Executive Officer:
Bob Gay
Cemetery Coordinator:
Paulette Sammons
(contact her at 302-629-3591)