Our Lady of Lourdes Religious Education and Formation Programs include:
PREP(Parish Religious Education Program
This pertains to the religious instruction of children from grades 1-8. Teachers and aides in PREP are all volunteers and more are always needed. As per the Religious Education Department of the Diocese of Wilmington, all catechists work toward Certification. There are four levels of Certification; Basic, Intermediate, Advanced I and Advanced II.
Sacramental Preparation
Children may prepare for their First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion in second grade, provided they have participated in Religious Education the previous year (either PREP or a Catholic School).
Youth may prepare for Confirmation in ninth grade, provided they have participated in Religious the previous 2 years (either PREP or a Catholic School).
Adult Bible Study
Our parish has seasonal courses of Bible Study, normally held on Tuesdays at 9:30 AM and 7:00 PM.
O. C. I. A.
OCIA is an acronym for Order of Christian Initiation of Adults. It is a year long process for those interested being baptized in the Catholic Church. Participants move through several stages which culminates in their Baptism during the Easter Vigil.
Those who have already been baptized in another Christian denomination and wish to enter the Catholic Church follow a slightly different, usually shorter process. This is tailored to the particular needs of each individual.
For information concerning any of our Religious Education Programs, please contact Debbie Depta (depta@ollseaford.org)
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